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Institutional Support - Program for the Millennium (PHAM) - Lot 1 Hydraulic

Access to better services for water and sanitation

  • 150K

    Villagers Accessing Water

  • 1st

    Major Drinking Water Project

  • Ivory Coast, Africa

    Ivory Coast, Africa

Decentralizing hydraulic systems and ensuring effective management of the water infrastructure

The Millennium Hydraulic Program (PHAM) has two goals—reduce poverty and improve health services. The scope? Provide access to better water and sanitation. That means more drinking water in the intervention zone and ensured efficiency for infrastructure maintenance and management.

The building work has been implemented through a contribution convention between the Kreditanstalt für Wiederausbau (KfW) and the European Union (EU). Together, they aim to construct and rehabilitate about 100 enhanced village hydraulic systems (HVA) which will increase the drinking water service rate and the quality of services in the program’s zone.

The institutional support was implemented through partially decentralized management by the Cooperation Coordination Unit Côte d’Ivoire-European Union (CCC CI/UE). Our job was technical assistance in support of a sectorial policy for drinking water—plus we assisted in implementation. We helped Ivorian authorities in the restructuring and decentralization process, transferring drinking water infrastructure management in rural areas from the state to local authorities. 

We implemented the program in several pilot regions so that, in the future, Ivorian authorities can scale it up to the whole Ivorian territory, delivering better water quality and improving quality of life. 

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Anca Andreescu, Project Management Lead Adviser

Stantec's projects are unique opportunities to share the company's best practices with countries all over the world, while integrating local needs and traditions.

Christophe Leroy, Operations Director, Belgium

We’re passionate about our role in supporting communities to reach their climate action targets and to move them forward in the energy transition.

Anca Andreescu

Project Management Lead Adviser

Christophe Leroy

Operations Director, Belgium

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