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Spartanburg Country Club Complete Streets Corridor Study

A focus on citizens leads to a complete streets design solution

  • Spartanburg County, South Carolina

    Spartanburg County, South Carolina

Seeking opportunities to provide safe, comfortable, and convenient streets in South Carolina

Transportation design isn’t just about cars anymore. Today’s communities are looking for opportunities to provide safe, comfortable, and convenient streets for all walks of life—from the young to elderly, from bicyclers to transit riders, and Spartanburg County in South Carolina is no different.

Spartanburg’s Country Club Road corridor has experienced development pressure and increased commuter traffic over the last decade. The community needed a design solution that not only answered the area’s growing transportation demands, but one that was sensitive to the community that calls the corridor home. Through a public outreach initiative based on achieving informed consent, the study successfully reflects both public desires and the transportation realities of the corridor.

We partnered with Toole Design Group to provide analysis on the existing transportation conditions in the corridor and gave direction on navigating the regulatory environment in Spartanburg. We were responsible for the motor vehicle transportation analysis component and engineering the concept designs for the entire corridor. We also delivered a preferred access plan highlighting the safest, most appropriate locations for median islands, intersection treatments, bicycle and pedestrian amenities, sidepath/greenway design, and innovative cycle track integration. 

This project was named Project of the Year by the Federal Highway Administration and South Carolina Department of Transportation for good reason—it speaks to what good design means at its core—solutions that support various user groups, are context-sensitive-specific, and focus on public participation. 

At a Glance

FHWA and SCDOT Project of the Year, 2016
Meet Our Team

Rick Day, Senior Principal, Transportation

I truly enjoy coming to work every day and having the opportunity to work with a talented team and great clients.

Mike Rutkowski, Senior Principal, Complete Streets Leader

When we work with our clients, we simply want to create a place where our families would want to be.

Rick Day

Senior Principal, Transportation

Mike Rutkowski

Senior Principal, Complete Streets Leader

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