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Bunker Hill Elementary School – New School Design

Transforming an aging campus and creating a modern learning environment with reduced disruption to instruction

  • $30M

    Construction Value

  • 109K

    Square Feet

  • Houston, Texas

    Houston, Texas

Designing a school to be the heart of an engaged community

Since opening its doors in 1956, Bunker Hill Elementary has received several additions until the aging facility needed to be replaced to align with the district's engaging, collaborative teaching delivery model. The district engaged us to design a new campus in consultation with the community. Along with providing architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing, and interiors services, we led the community engagement process during the design phase.

Our team designed and built the new school on the existing campus while the elementary school remained operational, integrating into an existing site. Separate buildings were transformed into connected grade-level learning communities under one roof, organized around the library as the heart of the campus. We created views to the exterior through the library. Multi-purpose and flex spaces provide secure connections to outdoor learning courtyards. An operable wall between the gym and the cafeteria space allow for flexibility—opening up a large cafetorium for community programs and large events.

Not only can the community draw on the new campus for events and programming, but the campus also has an ample green space welcoming the neighborhood and providing queuing space for the bus drop-off.

At a Glance

  • Spring Branch ISD
Meet Our Team

Jennifer Henrikson, Principal

Architecture leaves a permanent footprint for all to see; as architects we should always consider the mark we will leave with our work.

Tracy Eich, Senior Principal, Texas Design Leader

Architecture at its core is problem solving—but at its essence, it’s also a form of behavioral science, and the quality of the spaces we create affects the human spirit.
Tracy Eich Senior Principal, Texas Design Leader Read More

Gretchen Diesel, Senior Associate, Interior Design Lead

My job is to translate project requirements and client goals into the built environment.
Gretchen Diesel Senior Associate, Interior Design Lead Read More

Cole Von Feldt, Building Designer

I’m committed to designing for healthy humanistic experiences that acknowledge the inevitabilities of our climate.

Jennifer Henrikson


Tracy Eich

Senior Principal, Texas Design Leader

Gretchen Diesel

Senior Associate, Interior Design Lead

Cole Von Feldt

Building Designer

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