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Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame

Athletes, sportscasters, and Stantec’s architects honor Canada’s sporting history

  • 40K

    Square Feet

  • Calgary, Alberta

    Calgary, Alberta

A landmark museum designed to showcase Canada's best athletes

What happens when Canadian athletes, sportscasters, and Stantec get together to envision a new landmark museum? A stunning building that celebrates the achievements of Canada’s sporting champions.

The architectural focus is the exhibit hall—a dynamic tilted box that borrows its deep red colour and articulated skin from Canada’s national symbol, the maple leaf. An innovative structural system allows for the exhibit hall to perch on a smaller glass and steel structure, extending 12 metre beyond the lower floor. From many perspectives, the building appears to float from its anchored access point at the building entrance. 

Inside the exhibit hall, the angle of the tilted red box allows the exhibits to be tiered through successive levels, leading up to the ultimate goal for athletes—the Olympics. Once in the Olympic exhibit, visitors get a glimpse through two slender windows of the ski jumps atop Canada Olympic Park.

The exhibit space is connected to retail and administrative buildings with a striking atrium, filled with natural light that also infuses employees’ workspaces—just one of the many design features contributing to the building’s targeted LEED Gold certification.

At a Glance

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Arliss Szysky, Senior Vice President, Business Leader, Buildings

Success is not constructing a building or installing a pipeline. It is enhancing the lives of those who interact with our work every day.
Arliss  Szysky Senior Vice President, Business Leader, Buildings Read More

Rory Smith, Principal

Structural engineering is the frame supporting infrastructure and buildings essential to our lives—like schools, places of work, and homes.

Arliss  Szysky

Senior Vice President, Business Leader, Buildings

Rory Smith


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