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Town of Prosper Downtown Master Plan

Bringing new life to an aging downtown

  • 31.7K


  • 27

    Square Miles

  • Prosper, Texas

    Prosper, Texas

Developing a downtown master plan guided by a robust community engagement process.

Recently named one of the “Top 25 Small Communities in Which to Live” by US News and World Report, the Town of Prosper, Texas, has experienced rapid growth. While growth is welcome, it also puts a variety of pressures on a community. When the Town of Prosper and the Prosper Economic Development Corporation wanted to create a master plan for their downtown, they sought our expertise in urban planning, community development, and public consultation.

Working closely with residents, businesses, and other stakeholders, our team held a series of pop-up events, stakeholder listening sessions, and online surveys. We also held a large community workshop where more than 200 people told us what they loved about Prosper and shared their vision for the downtown through a thought-exercise called “six-word stories.”

With a goal to preserve, restore, enhance, develop, and promote the downtown for commerce, entertainment, and living—the master plan provides strategies and actions to help create a vibrant destination through preservation, adaptive reuse, and promoting diverse and innovative cultural activities.

At a Glance

  • Town of Prosper
Meet Our Team

Lindsey Brown, Business Development Coordinator

Seeing the bigger picture is key to brownfield redevelopment. I help clients envision possibilities and create a priority roadmap.

Mark Maldonado, Senior Principal, Landscape Architecture/Planning Discipline Lead (US Central South)

Learn from your mentors, inspire others, and make the world a better place.
Mark Maldonado Senior Principal, Landscape Architecture/Planning Discipline Lead (US Central South) Read More

Ami Parikh, Transportation Planner

Mobility means helping people get where they need to go in an efficient way and I want to shape this effort with the larger context in mind.

Lindsey Brown

Business Development Coordinator

Mark Maldonado

Senior Principal, Landscape Architecture/Planning Discipline Lead (US Central South)

Ami Parikh

Transportation Planner

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    Work with passionate people who are experts in their field. Our teams love what they do and are driven by how their work makes an impact on the communities they serve.

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