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Cornell University - Physical Sciences Building

Sharing facilities and space are critical components in research environments

  • LEED

    Certified Gold

  • 197K

    Square Feet

  • $115M

    Construction Value

  • Ithaca, New York

    Ithaca, New York

Strengthening the link between the research community, the campus and the local community

We designed a new state of the art science facility that provides interdisciplinary research, teaching, and support space for the chemistry, chemical biology, physics, and applied and engineering physics departments. The design combines a modern engineering infrastructure with flexible, modular laboratories zoned to maximize safety, productivity, and collegiality to support the university’s research mission and extend the usefulness of the complex.

The building draws from facilitating overlap and interaction between the sciences while still maintaining each department's individual identity. The space is much more than a research facility; it represents one of the cornerstones of the science precinct at the university. It is also the perfect space for both informal and formal events. The buildings versatility is one of the features the university is particularly proud of.

The high-efficiency systems design was tailored to meet the sustainability standards set by the university as well as NYSERDA.

At a Glance

  • Stantec/Koetter Kim & Associates
ACEC NY 2013 Engineering Excellence Award "New York Diamond Award Building/Technology Systems"
ACEC 2013 Engineering Excellence Award "National Recognition Award, Building/Technology Systems"

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