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Climate Risk and Resiliency Assessment for Island Airports

Planning for future transportation needs by understanding climate risk

  • Island Nations

    Island Nations

Accurate information and informed assessments provide a master plan to help airport operators address climate change

By now, the impacts of climate change are well accepted and understood. For island nations, increases in the number of, and severity of, tropical cyclones and storm surges are compounded by a general rise in sea level. While all infrastructure is affected, island airports are often located at low elevation, many even on the coast.

Supporting low-lying island regions, our teams worked in partnership to develop airport master plans for future coastal airport expansions. Utilizing climate, weather, and sea level data, we identified the potential risk to the airport facilities and infrastructure resulting from sea level rise and increased storm surge. Weighing the potential socio-economic and environmental impacts of future airport development with climate change risks, we offered a range of alternatives for the client to consider regarding airport expansion or protecting airport assets.

We provided the clients with a comprehensive case-by-case assessment of local climate impacts, ecosystem resilience, and their own greenhouse gas emissions, to inform their future planning decisions to reduce climate risk and impact and enhance airport resiliency.

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