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Central Connecticut State University - New Academic and Classroom Building

Creating new spaces for students to collaborate

  • 31


  • 54

    Faculty Offices

  • LEED

    Certified Gold

  • New Britain, Connecticut

    New Britain, Connecticut

A new building that creates unity and green space on campus

This new building created the opportunity to both centralize a number of academic departments and bring together two distinct areas of the Central Connecticut State University campus, while providing new green space for the community.

The challenge was how to create a unified, efficiently functioning building with a variety of teaching spaces, faculty offices, and social gathering spaces, when it is the home to many departments. The answer was flexibility. We designed the teaching spaces as a mix of classrooms, seminar spaces, and flexible conference spaces, equipped for different levels of digitally supported instruction. In addition, classroom labs were designed for the departments needing them.

The building is designed to fit seamlessly into the campus environment and to tie together upper and lower quad areas, while also replacing a service road with a new green area. Inside, the building provides for community gathering, with the lounge central to the main circulation path on the ground floor.

We were also responsible for designing the building to achieve LEED Gold certification and to meet the then newly enacted Connecticut High Performance Building regulations. 

Meet Our Team

Mike DeOrsey, Principal, Digital Practice Manager

What we do with technology helps people all across the company do what they do better.

Alex Wing, Principal, Education

Balancing analysis and design, I develop an optimal match between academic, research, and support facilities, and the client’s mission.

Mike DeOrsey

Principal, Digital Practice Manager

Alex Wing

Principal, Education

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