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UC Davis – Center for Companion Animal Health

A world-class facility for clinicians and researchers on a mission to improve the health, longevity, and quality of life of companion pets

  • 3K

    Square Foot Addition

  • Davis, California

    Davis, California

Vets for pets—a center for studies and research of pet diseases

When an animal, especially a beloved pet, needs care, a highly skilled veterinarian makes all the difference. The University of California Davis School of Veterinary Medicine has trained generations of veterinarians, researchers, and industry professionals. A top-tier academic medical center, it boasts a school, hospital, specialty clinics, research centers and institutes, and has expanded throughout the state and the world.

Expanding yet again, the school engaged us to create a state-of-the-art facility and resource—the Center for Companion Animal Health—with a focus on improving the health, longevity, and quality of life of dogs, cats, and other small pets. The facility is joined to an existing building via a second story pedestrian bridge, with building materials of masonry block, curving curtain walls, and metal panels. Clinic spaces, exam rooms, animal holding areas, and treatment spaces (including a linear accelerator for the treatment of cancer in animals) are on the first floor, with research labs, offices, and conferencing facilities on the second floor.

Clinicians and researchers moved into the facility in 2004. They continue the center’s mission to improve the health of companion animals with supporting academic studies and research into diseases that affect dogs, cats, and other small pets.

Services for this project were completed by the employees of GL Planning & Design prior to their employment at Stantec.

At a Glance

  • University of California · Davis
  • ACCO + Frank Electric (MEP)
  • Buehler & Buehler (Structural)
  • Harbison-Mahony-Higgins Builders
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Farshad Altafi, Principal, Senior Laboratory Planner

The teacher can learn from the student just as well as the student from the teacher.
Farshad Altafi Principal, Senior Laboratory Planner Read More

Farshad Altafi

Principal, Senior Laboratory Planner

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