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Preparing the NEPA document and functional track designs for a proposed multimodal station

At a Glance

  • $88M

    Construction Value

  • 26K

    Square Feet

Raleigh, North Carolina
  • City of Raleigh
  • Amtrak
  • Go Triangle Transit
Clearscapes Architects

Raleigh Union Station and Area Track Improvements

As the existing Amtrak Station in Raleigh, North Carolina was unable to meet the requirements of various area transportation initiatives, Raleigh Union Station (RUS) was conceived as a major multi-modal transportation center. The Federal Railroad Administration, Amtrak, NCDOT, GoTriangle Transit, and the City of Raleigh developed this project to support the Southeast High Speed Rail Corridor, long-distance and intra-state Amtrak Service, and regional and local bus service.

The project consisted of track improvements and converting a former industrial building to a new station that includes an underground concourse, center-island platforms, parking, and a civic plaza. Due to our history of successfully delivering North Carolina’s rail projects, we were selected by NCDOT to carry the project through NEPA and conceptual design. We led environmental studies, conducted topographic surveys, led public and stakeholder engagement, and prepared the conceptual design for the onsite and offsite track improvements which include a 10,000-foot-long siding.

RUS was one of NCDOT’s last American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funded projects to enter the NEPA phase. Due to our strict adherence to the project schedule, our work enabled NCDOT to meet the strict program delivery timelines for all their ARRA-funded projects.

At a Glance

  • $88M

    Construction Value

  • 26K

    Square Feet

Raleigh, North Carolina
  • City of Raleigh
  • Amtrak
  • Go Triangle Transit
Clearscapes Architects

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Amber Coleman, Associate, Water

Everything we do as scientists is based on methodological evaluation and the ability to convey those findings to others.

Melissa Ruiz, Associate, Environmental Services

My job revolves around surface water – where it comes from and where it goes, if it’s polluted, how we can clean it up, and how we can protect it.

Amy Sackaroff, Senior Principal, Infrastructure Sector Leader, Environmental Services (US East)

Whether it’s project delivery, team building, or crafting a winning proposal, I aim to be the catalyst that moves us to the next level.
Amy Sackaroff Senior Principal, Infrastructure Sector Leader, Environmental Services (US East) Read More

Ryan White, Senior Associate, Design Services Growth Leader, Southeast Transportation

Our legacy goes beyond the steel and concrete to include people and the environment. We must ask ourselves what we want our legacy to be.
Ryan White Senior Associate, Design Services Growth Leader, Southeast Transportation Read More

Amber Coleman

Associate, Water

Melissa Ruiz

Associate, Environmental Services

Amy Sackaroff

Senior Principal, Infrastructure Sector Leader, Environ...

Ryan White

Senior Associate, Design Services Growth Leader, Southe...

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