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With community and environmental safety in mind, our team is strengthening the aging stormwater infrastructure along Cartwright Road

Auckland, New Zealand
  • Auckland Council

Cartwright Road Stormwater Upgrade

Auckland Council needed to refresh a key segment of Cartwright Road’s stormwater network to combat upstream flooding issues and risks associated with aging infrastructure. They engaged our professionals as part of the team to make this happen.

We plan to deliver both structural and environmental solutions, balancing ecological outcomes with engineering constraints like land stability and building requirements. The improvements provide flow conveyance and protection from erosion to a confined and unstable portion of the stream, helping preserve the natural landscape. Plus, our design supports healthy fish habitat and passage. Ultimately, this infrastructure upgrade protects Cartwright Road’s community and environment while presenting the opportunity for innovation—showcasing how our multidisciplinary team can design and implement stream enhancement solutions in highly industrialized areas.

Close collaboration with the Council, contractor, ecologists, planners, and local iwi (indigenous kinship group) are central to this project’s success. The collective nature of this solution will help secure positive outcomes for the catchment’s entire stormwater network well into the future.

Auckland, New Zealand
  • Auckland Council

Meet Our Team

Kirstie Thorpe, Senior Principal Landscape Architect & Urban Design/Team Lead, Landscape & Urban Design

I weave threads of landscape together and incorporate their values into infrastructure projects.
Kirstie Thorpe Senior Principal Landscape Architect & Urban Design/Team Lead, Landscape & Urban Design Read More

Keane Kannan, Senior Principal Civil Engineer, Highways Drainage Practice Leader

The infrastructure I help design has enduring social and environmental impacts—I’m committed to making them positive.
Keane Kannan Senior Principal Civil Engineer, Highways Drainage Practice Leader Read More

Jayden Gesche, Geotechnical Designer

Working in the geotechnical engineering field, I get to combine my love of the outdoors with that of practical problem-solving.

Kirstie Thorpe

Senior Principal Landscape Architect & Urban Design...

Keane Kannan

Senior Principal Civil Engineer, Highways Drainage Prac...

Jayden Gesche

Geotechnical Designer

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