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EU Communication Campaign in Morocco

Raising awareness of the EU-Morocco partnership

  • Morocco


Communicating a major and multi-engaged partner like the European Union to a national audience

Since 1976, the European Union has been a partner of Morocco, where it has more than 220 ongoing projects. Despite this active partnership, EU-funded surveys have revealed that most Moroccans still know very little about the EU. In 2020, the EU Delegation to Morocco adopted a new strategy to improve the EU’s communication and visibility.

Our team is providing support by identifying the most strategic actions, messages, and platforms to meet the EU’s communication objectives. We develop and organize tailor-made campaigns and events, produce and distribute communication materials, and target the right medium for every content and activity. As with all our communication projects, our work is based on a comprehensive analysis of the local situation, the communities that form our audience, and our clients’ needs and priorities. Studying the full context of the project is how we ensure that the content we create is relevant and information is delivered using the most effective communication channels.

Through strategic and creative communication, increased public awareness of the EU’s commitment and support can contribute to a stronger partnership between Morocco and the European Union. 

At a Glance

  • European Commission
Meet Our Team

Virginie Louis, Communications & Visibility Director

I'm experienced in designing and rolling out impactful, community-driven communications and digital campaigns.

Naïma Koubaa, Communication & Visibility Officer

Communicating the European Union is about evoking the connection between the EU's overall vision and the needs of every community it serves.

Virginie Louis

Communications & Visibility Director

Naïma Koubaa

Communication & Visibility Officer

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