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vivaNext Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Program

Working to reshape and transform existing highways and arterials into city streets with dedicated transportation connections

  • 40KM

    New Transit System

  • $1.7B

    Project Value

  • 5

    Distinct Projects

  • Greater Toronto Area, Ontario

    Greater Toronto Area, Ontario

Getting communities on track with faster urban mobility

As cities grow and expand, getting around can be challenging and rapid transit is one solution. In Ontario’s York region, Metrolinx wanted to build the first bus rapid transit (BRT) system—that would be the largest in the Greater Toronto area. They engaged us to help reshape and transform urban mobility for the vivaNext BRT program, a new transit system running in dedicated rapid ways on existing streets to connect Vaughan, Markham, Richmond Hill, and Newmarket with the Toronto Transit System and GO Transit.

Working for Metrolinx as the owner’s engineer, we were responsible for program management oversight—acting as a bridge between design and construction. We helped with a fundamental reorientation of the vivaNext corridors, transforming existing highways and arterials into city streets with dedicated transportation connections. Our team of engineers, landscape architects, project managers, and procurement specialists provided advice, reviews, and technical assistance for this $1.75 billion, 40-kilometre (25-mile) project that was comprised of five distinct projects.

Now, with a full integration of roadway, rapid way, stations, cycling and pedestrian facilities, and urban streetscapes, these modern urban roadways help transit users stay on track with faster connections to get where they’re going more quickly.

At a Glance

  • Metrolinx
David Landry
Meet Our Team

Alauddin Ahmed, Senior Associate, Transportation

Everyone has the right to a safe, efficient, and unhampered way to travel from one place to another—knowing the projects I have worked improves connectivity between people something I revel in.

Alauddin  Ahmed

Senior Associate, Transportation

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