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Hydroelectric Dam Conversion with Diaphragm Walls, Retention Systems

September 29, 2021

Current View

By Tom Andrews and Rachael Bisnett

Stantec experts discuss the challenges and successful completion of adding hydropower to the Red Rock Dam in the latest issue of Deep Foundations

The Red Rock Hydroelectric Project received DFI’s Outstanding Project Award (OPA) for 2021 in part due to the extensive retention systems put into place to maintain the integrity of the existing flood control dam. As owner’s engineer and designer on the project, Stantec experts Rachael Bisnett and Tom Andrews authored this piece in Deep Foundations Magazine to highlight the construction challenges.

This article was originally published in DFI’s bi-monthly member magazine, Deep Foundations, Sept/Oct 2021 issue.  DFI is an international technical association of firms and individuals in the deep foundations and related industries. To join DFI and receive the magazine, go to

  • Tom Andrews

    With a breadth of experience in hydroelectric power and dam projects—as well as all associated tunnels, civil work, and transmission—Tom leads projects and teams for Stantec’s Energy group.

    Contact Tom
  • Rachael Bisnett

    Rachael leads dam modification projects with a focus on risk informed decision-making—as a geotechnical engineer with domestic and international hydroelectric project experience, she specializes in performing risk analyses to assess dam safety.

    Contact Rachael
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