For our US Audience: If We Built it Today – The Hoover Dam
November 23, 2021
November 23, 2021
Stantec’s Kathleen King and Francisco Tesi were featured in Season 3 Episode 2 of If we Built it Today –The Hoover Dam on The Science Channel
Stantec Senior Associates, Kathleen King and Francisco Tesi, were featured on the Science Channel’s television show, If We Built it Today. The series looks at iconic projects built throughout history and explores the question, what if we built it today?
This episode featured the Hoover Dam and considered what it would take to improve upon the already legendary Hydroelectric facility. Kathleen and Francisco help discuss various options to modernize the Dam, arriving at the conclusion that converting the dam into a pumped storage facility might make the most sense. Kathleen and Francisco both lend their expertise as the episode considers the design, manpower, time, and cost required to undertake such a project.
The episode is available to US audiences.
Part of our Hydropower Planning Group since 2007, Kathleen is experienced in risk evaluation, decision support and analysis, systems modeling, and optimization methods relating to hydropower and electrical supply system planning
Contact Kathleen Francisco is a licensed professional civil engineer with over 12 years of hydropower design and construction supervision experience in the United States and abroad.
Contact Francisco