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Stantec supports ICE Scotland to Build Bridges to Schools

June 22, 2018

Teaching pupils about the importance of team work and communication

In order to achieve a truly diverse workforce in the future it’s critical to get school children interested in engineering at an early age.

Stantec's Project Technical Lead Hazel Wilson and Stantec's Graduate Civil Engineer Marianne Stevenson, alongside Stantec's Civil Engineer Clark Gorman and Stantec's Graduate Civil Engineer Duncan Soutter, recently supported the ICE Scotland ‘Bridge to Schools’ initiative held for students from Biggar Primary School, Lanark Primary School, Carnwarth Primary School, and Coulter Primary School, together with first year students from Biggar High School. 

In partnership with the ICE, these visits to schools across the UK give young people the chance to build miniature version of the Second Severn Crossing.

A small version of a built bridge

Over two days, the students worked in teams to build their part of the 12m long cable stayed bridge, assembling deck panels and attaching cables, with both parts joining in the middle to form the completed bridge.

Students learned about the importance of team work and communication, as well as learning about types of bridges, different materials, and civil engineering projects local to them. The students embraced the opportunity to speak to 'real' civil engineers and ask questions about their work.

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