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Employees come together to raise $46,432 for Movember

December 15, 2020

The Movember campaign inspires men every year to grow moustaches and raise funds to tackle the issues of prostate cancer and so much more

Handlebar. Horseshoe. The Salvador Dali. These are just a few variations of the mustaches men can achieve during Movember. Every November, men around the globe participating in Movember begin the month with a fresh face and end the month with a hairy new look. There are names for every mustache; no two are the same, and, while men spend the month growing their mustaches, they are also fundraising for a great cause: men’s health.

Movember raises awareness of men’s health issues including prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health, and suicide prevention. They aim to increase early cancer detection, diagnosis, effective treatments, promote annual check-ups, advise men to be aware of their family history of cancer, and adopt a healthier lifestyle. Since launching in 2004, the Movember Foundation has raised $837 million and funded over 1,200 projects in more than 20 countries.

Fundraising can be achieved through teams or as individuals, and everyone is welcome to participate. Stantec employees have been creating Movember teams since 2011, and to date have raised just over $609,500. This year, fundraising efforts saw a total of $46,432 in support of men’s health.

Cancer is a diagnosis most of us are familiar with; prostate cancer is the second-most common cancer and the fifth-leading cause of cancer-related death in men. By encouraging everyone to become involved with this cause, the resources Movember provide can open the lines of communication within your family and friend groups about prostate and testicular cancer which hopefully will reduce the number of preventable deaths.

“Men in particular often seem to struggle with social isolation and an inability to connect with other men at a level deeper than superficial,” James Knowles, Commercial Manager in our Warrington, UK office says. James has been organizing Movember efforts in our Warrington office for the past seven years. “I’ve discovered that Movember not only raises money for some fantastic causes it also acts as a catalyst for conversations,” James continues, “I’ve lost count of the number of times someone has commented on my moustache which then results in a conversation about mental health and wellbeing.”

James believes a feeling of community develops not only around those undertaking the challenge of fundraising for Movember, but those who are supporting the cause. In 2020, when isolation and social distancing has been at the forefront of our lives, fostering any sense of community seems more and more important. Mental health issues are common in our society, but for men in particular there has been a stigma surrounding how they deal with and talk about depression and suicide. Movember is working towards a world where men are comfortable taking the necessary steps to be mentally well and allowing the people they love to support them.

This month is not just about growing out a mustache: The Movember Foundation cannot achieve their goals without fundraising, education, and advocating for men’s health.

Group photo of Movember participants

Rochelle Park, New Jersey team.

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