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My Stantec Story: Building a graduate career as a data analyst with Grant Hunter

August 31, 2023

Grant, a data analyst within the business consulting team, shares the many opportunities he’s had to grow and develop as a graduate so far

In the My Stantec Story series, our designers, engineers, marketers, project managers, and leaders come together to share how their career journeys at Stantec have shaped their lives and moved them closer to their goals.

Tell us about your role…

I joined Stantec’s Leeds office in September 2022 as a graduate analyst in the business consulting team and later relocated to Edinburgh—a city familiar to me having studied chemical engineering at the University of Edinburgh. I felt confident that my mathematical and computational skillset would integrate well within the Company. Working with UK Water Companies, I collate event duration monitoring (EDM) data and compare that to environmental regulatory standards.

What attracted you to a career at Stantec?

Sustainability, process safety, and environmental issues are topics that have always been close to my heart. I was attracted to Stantec as its values align directly with my own—ambitious climate change targets, paving the way for others, and an ethos of doing what’s right are reasons I’m proud to work for one of the world’s most sustainable companies.

Additionally, the Company’s focus on workplace inclusion and diversity is important to me. Diverse perspectives allow multiple angles of a problem to be explored, leaving no stone unturned. Celebrating individual differences and providing an inclusive environment allows everyone’s true potential to be realised.

Grant Hunter

What do you enjoy most about your role?

A highlight of my role is the wide variety of work, clients, and colleagues I engage with every day—I’m presented with opportunities that allow me to work towards my goals of becoming an IChemE chartered engineer.

One of many other highlights is the support I receive in my role. From quarterly performance check-ins to transitioning from the Leeds to Edinburgh office, I feel valued as part of a community.

How has your personal and professional development been supported at Stantec?

Multiple Employee Resource Groups (ERG) at Stantec welcome all staff. I’m a member of the neurodiversity ERG. It’s a great way to meet an array of colleagues and to learn how to plan and organise events. Monthly socials, hosted by the office social committee, and the Developing Professionals Group (DPG), are fun ways to meet new people while improving my communication skills. These events, groups, and societies also provide plenty of networking opportunities that have helped grow my overall confidence.

Working towards chartered engineer status, as well as becoming a STEM ambassador, are ways in which I’ve developed professionally over my first year here. I recently enrolled in a water and wastewater treatment course, one of many training courses available to Stantec staff.

What has been the standout project for you during your time at Stantec?

I’m amazed by the variety and breadth of projects I’ve participated in—working with water companies, validating EDM activity, is a standout. On secondment, I was able to uphold the high standards associated with Stantec while quickly adapting to a new working environment. Using PowerBI to analyse sewage discharges into the environment, I was tasked with identifying any spurious data and reporting the cause. Investigation into one such data range lead to the discovery of a family of ducks incorrectly activating a monitor!

What are your ambitions for the future at Stantec?

I hope to become involved in more engineering-based projects with a focus on sustainability and environmental issues. I’m excited to see a shift away from fossil fuel technologies towards the development of alternatives, such as hydrogen fuel.

As part of the Stantec community, I’m in the best position possible to grow both personally and professionally. I look forward to what the future holds as I continue my journey to becoming a chartered engineer.

As part of the Stantec community, I’m in the best position possible to grow both personally and professionally.

What are your passions outside of work?

I love to run—it’s a great way to clear my head after a day of work, or to prepare myself for the day ahead. I completed my first marathon in 2023, and I hope to participate in many more over the coming years. If not at work or with my trainers on, I like to relax, drink coffee, and read books about running.

Why should others join the Stantec team?

As a top-tier global consultant, with offices in 400 locations, Stantec offers seemingly endless career paths and opportunities. The collaboration between different working disciplines means you’ll not only become an expert in your chosen field but gain a vast breadth of knowledge in others.

In my experience, I can tell you that putting people first is more than just words found on Stantec’s website! Actions speak louder than words, so why not come and see yourself?

At Stantec, we put people first, and for Grant that means exposure to a variety of work, colleagues, and clients to support his ambitions to become a chartered engineer.

If you want to start your career at Stantec, visit Graduates & Apprentices to find out more. 

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