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Prioritizing risk mitigation while creating spaces that enhance connection with the Bow River and commemorate heritage

Calgary, Alberta
  • City of Calgary

Sunnyside Control Flood Barrier

In 2013, flooding in southern Alberta caused widespread damage. In the community of Sunnyside in Calgary, Alberta, the flood waters overtopped the existing earthen berms and flooded the neighborhood. In response to this event, the City of Calgary brought in our team to help implement a flood mitigation strategy.

The intent of the Sunnyside Flood Control Barrier project is to raise and strengthen the existing earthen berms to mitigate the risk of damage in the event of a flood. The project extends for 2.6 kilometers, nestled in a narrow corridor between the left bank of the Bow River and Memorial Drive. The corridor has several high value trees, existing utilities and infrastructure, and the Bow River Pathway (an important and highly used pedestrian route through the center of the city). Maintaining and enhancing this route and its adjacent public spaces was a crucial element in creating a multifunctional design for the flood barrier.

The team’s design used combinations of earthen berms, concrete flood walls, and retaining walls to achieve the required service level and minimize the project footprint and tree removal, while still providing upgrades to the current multiuse pathways for Calgarians to enjoy without the risk of flood damage. 

Calgary, Alberta
  • City of Calgary

Meet Our Team

David Alberti, Principal, Hydrogeologist

Quality work from the beginning leads to better outcomes and decisions in the end.

James Bigelow, Associate, Senior Hydrotechnical Engineer

As people, we are naturally connected to water—it’s our duty to design with both the natural habitat and community resiliency in mind.

Andrew Boucher, Senior Associate

Good project management is based on good communication.

Jim Laidlaw, Team Lead, Landscape Architecture

Nature is my guide for how to approach design and construction—I want to create environmentally sustainable landscapes.

Stephanie McKichan, Landscape Architect

I strive to create spaces that benefit the health of people and the environment by designing landscapes where both can flourish.

Carly Silver, Environmental Director, HSSE

We want to do what’s right for the environment—working as a team, we can find ways to minimize impacts and improve environmental outcomes.

Matt Wood, Principal

I help build flood resilient communities by restoring rivers and riparian areas, designing riverine infrastructure, and flood mitigations.

David Alberti

Principal, Hydrogeologist

James Bigelow

Associate, Senior Hydrotechnical Engineer

Andrew Boucher

Senior Associate

Jim Laidlaw

Team Lead, Landscape Architecture

Stephanie McKichan

Landscape Architect

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