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Cold Lake Fish Hatchery Upgrades

Implementing a recirculating aquaculture system and other functional improvements to decrease environmental waste and energy consumption

  • $12+M

    Construction Value

  • Cold Lake, Alberta

    Cold Lake, Alberta

Reducing water consumption by 78 percent and cost per trout by 20 percent

The Alberta Ministry of Infrastructure initiated a strategic plan to reduce the operating costs related to source water heating and disinfection at the Cold Lake Fish Hatchery (CLFH), which exceeded C$1 million annually and significantly impacted operational efficiency. The primary objective involved implementing a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) or a partial RAS to decrease water supply heating demand and open opportunities for energy recovery. They reached out to our team to help.

We evaluated three RAS alternatives to optimize economic feasibility and pinpoint energy-saving modifications. These evaluations led us to discover ancillary benefits such as increased flow to final rearing areas and a reduction in overall rearing duration. Located adjacent to the current hatchery, a new process equipment building houses the RAS equipment and has connections to existing rearing troughs and raceways.

We also modernized the facility’s electrical equipment by replacing the electrical main disconnect and motor control centers, installing a new oxygen generation system, and repairing water headbox leaks. Additionally, we assessed a potential upgrade of the ozone system based on return-on-investment.

CLFH’s revitalization has resulted in significantly reduced operating costs and lower carbon output. The RAS has helped decrease water withdrawal from the nearby lake by 60–80 percent. Today, the project stands as a testament to responsible resource management and progressive aquaculture practices.

At a Glance

  • Alberta Ministry of Infrastructure
Award of Merit, Water Resources, Consulting Engineers of Alberta (CEA) Showcase Awards 2024
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Glenn Prosko, Principal

Let’s see what we can build together.

Emily Doyle, Business Center Sector Leader, Water

Great projects are a result of trusted relationships with strong communication and understanding of the client’s needs.

Mike Magas, Associate, Electrical, Instrumentation and Controls

Most times the best solution is simple and elegant. But getting to a simple solution can be the complication and challenge of any project.
Mike Magas Associate, Electrical, Instrumentation and Controls Read More

Bryce Pasiuk, Electrical Engineer

Strive to make the lives of others better and improve their quality of life; be it impactful or small, every action counts.

Todd Hartley, Vice President, Buildings

Our expertise takes us to the most impactful projects. I’m proud to lead many of them for my family, friends, and the community.

Glenn Prosko


Emily Doyle

Business Center Sector Leader, Water

Mike Magas

Associate, Electrical, Instrumentation and Controls

Bryce Pasiuk

Electrical Engineer

Todd Hartley

Vice President, Buildings

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