Craig has over 40 years of experience in structural engineering and seismic design for some of the most challenging projects completed by our Company. A leader in our Water Deliver Center, he works with technical staff to produce top quality planning, design, and construction projects for our private industry, local, state, and federal clients with an emphasis on practical design build challenges.
With a background that includes the design of reservoirs, water treatment plants, pump stations, pipelines, and industrial/commercial facilities, Craig’s expertise lies in structural and seismic engineering. He’s performed seismic evaluation studies, developed design criteria, provided structural design, technical peer reviews, and provided value engineering and structural field observations. Craig practices from the intersection of seismic engineering, advanced analysis, and design technology, to deliver cost-efficient, high-performance projects for clients. His career has focused on creating practical design solutions founded on an expert understanding of structural performance.
When he’s not at the office, Craig is likely rafting, hiking, backpacking with family and friends wherever adventures can be found.