As a senior geographic information system (GIS) analyst, Michelle’s responsibilities mostly include developing processes and workflows for project tasks, assisting with training staff, and serving as a technical resource for our GIS team. Her main focuses are on geodatabase design and schema as well as data creation, development, and compilation.
Working with the City of Atlanta, Michelle has helped them verify connectivity within their water distribution system for modeling efforts. Using a replicated database environment, Michelle and her team can exchange updates with the client every week and collaboratively incorporate each team’s edits into the system.
Outside of work, her favorite things to do are cooking, singing, and spending time with her family. She’s always reading through cookbooks and looking for new or intriguing recipes to try, and as for singing, that might be with the radio or her church choir. Family time is probably at the park: hiking, walking the dog, or playing on the playground with her husband and son.