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Getting your water where it needs to go

It seems so simple. Turn on a faucet, water appears. Flush a toilet, water disappears. But behind that simplicity is a complex infrastructure that most people don’t think too much about. That’s where we come in.

Our team of conveyance specialists thinks a lot about where water comes from, where it goes, and how it gets there. Systems to move, treat, and store potable water, stormwater, wastewater, and sanitary sewage are increasingly more complex as our communities grow larger. The Stantec Conveyance team is at the forefront of developing innovative solutions to improve and expand this critical infrastructure—everything from force mains and sanitary sewers to hydraulic structures, pipelines, open channels, and storage.

Our goals? Ensure access to clean drinking water and provide sanitary and storm water systems to keep the communities and ecosystems we serve healthy.

One of the largest CSO pump station projects in the US

With an approaching EPA consent decree, the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District (NEORSD) began a $3B combined sewer overflow (CSO) plan improvements program to better control sewer overflows in its easterly sector. Our solution provided the client more than $50M in savings with an innovative design. Read More

One of the most challenging tunneling projects in the world

When the Southern Nevada Water Authority Capital Improvements Program needed to ensure services could be delivered even when Lake Mead was at low levels, they brought us in. In a joint venture with another firm, we provided extensive preliminary and final design phase services throughout construction to bring the Authority’s goal of full system capacity at low lake levels to fruition. Read More

How do you prepare a city for a 1:100-year storm?

When a city like New Orleans faces a risk the size of a Category 5 hurricane, the solution needs to be just as formidable. Enter the Permanent Canal Closures and Pumps (PCCP) project. The massive drainage pumping system (largest in the world) will play a key role in a multi-billion-dollar hurricane risk reduction system designed to serve the community now and in the future. Read More
Together, we’ll make sure your water gets to where it needs to go
Miles Of Pipe
Ranked Trenchless Design Firm
Pumping Stations Designed In The Last 20 Years

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    Work with passionate people who are experts in their field. Our teams love what they do and are driven by how their work makes an impact on the communities they serve.