Stantec confirms that environmental services have a key role to play in hydrogen projects
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Several Stantec experts were featured in the Climate Change Business Journal to explain the intersection between hydrogen and the environment
The latest issue of the Climate Change Business Journal focuses exclusively on hydrogen and its role in decarbonizing our energy infrastructure. The publication had several questions to ask our experts Nathan Ashcroft, Steve McManamon, Eric Snelling, Jillian Flanagan, and Shiladitya Basu. The questions predominantly pertained to environmental and water considerations for hydrogen projects.
Our team of experts was asked several questions. How would you describe the complexities of hydrogen and hydrogen hub projects in terms of permitting, air quality, and health impacts? How is hydrogen production tied to water and how much water is required for hydrogen production? What environmental impacts could water sourcing create? How could water sourcing affect the hydrogen market in the long term? And more.
As a strategic business developer, Nathan is always looking for ways to improve our ability to help our clients. That’s involved expanding our geographical business as well as researching new applications of existing products like bitumen.
Contact Nathan As the US Energy sector leader for our Environmental Services business line, Steve’s job is to grow our oil and gas business throughout North America.
Contact Steve A principal environmental planner with over three decades of experience, Eric focuses on permitting, due diligence, and compliance for clients in a variety of sectors—from energy to coastal to public works and more.
Contact Eric With a focus on delivering water projects that help with the energy transition and mitigate the effects of climate change, Jillian is a regional practice lead with Stantec’s Industrial Water team.
Contact Jillian Shiladitya focuses on helping clients—in energy, chemicals, and manufacturing—solve water-related challenges. He’s skilled in membrane and chemical processes and supports projects requiring his leadership and expertise.
Contact Shiladitya