Houston Resiliency Innovation Workshop
With response to major disasters as a rallying point, we brought together over 50 local and national experts, stakeholders, and community leaders and provided a new platform for resilient thinking.
Interactive How will you survive the next big disaster?
Blog Post The Lily Pad Network: A natural analogy to advance resiliency
Interactive Coastal resilience by the numbers
Presentation Designing for Impact: Hubs and Corridors
Interactive The 7 best practices of highly effective smart cities
Publication Community Futures: Think globally, act locally has never mattered more
Blog Post From the Design Quarterly: Speak up. Get involved. Shape the future.
Blog Post Living shorelines: Recovery, restoration, and resiliency after Hurricane Sandy
Blog Post Economics of Water Series: Extreme weather—after the hurricanes
Blog Post Economics of Water Series: Extreme weather—resiliency, planning, and preparedness
Meet Our Experts
John Malueg, Vice President
We know disasters will happen—helping communities absorb and then rebound quickly is challenging yet imperative to advancing resilience.
Nancy MacDonald, Regional Business Leader, Infrastructure
Urban professionals address the needs of our communities and help unlock the benefits of development. We’re city-builders.
Heidi Peper, Principal, Senior Funding Leader
Securing project funding is all about the impact on the community—how it helps solve pressing needs and positioning for the future.