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Delivering renewable energy

Delivering power moves communities forward, and the designs we bring our clients go beyond the immediate project conditions to provide lasting value to communities world-wide.

We foster a culture of innovation and safety, leading our team to design some of the world’s most impactful projects vital to local and global populations. From pumped storage and existing upgrades to new builds, we partner with clients to bring environmentally sound renewable energy—advancing communities.

Expert Spotlight

Donald Erpenbeck, Vice President & Global Sector Leader, Dams & Hydropower

I take pride in having a diverse skill set—I find there are way fewer surprises out there!
Donald  Erpenbeck Vice President & Global Sector Leader, Dams & Hydropower Read More

Mario Finis, Executive Vice President, Energy & Resources - North America

Hydropower and dams are challenging. It takes passion and patience, but the payoff is knowing our work improves peoples’ lives for generations.
Mario  Finis Executive Vice President, Energy & Resources - North America Read More

Donald  Erpenbeck

Vice President & Global Sector Leader, Dams & Hydropower

Mario  Finis

Executive Vice President, Energy & Resources - North America

Servicing water needs

Our dams, hydropower, and navigation and locks projects have delivered solutions to worldwide challenges for decades. Whether you need help navigating permitting processes, managing assets, managing projects, completing due diligence, Stantec’s Hydropower team can get it done. Read More

Creating energy storage solutions

We believe that pumped storage is the sustainable solution that our industry needs to address energy storage challenges and opportunities. By combining cutting-edge technology and our engineers’ hands-on experience in all phases of the project life cycle, we’re delivering proven, reliable designs with a 50 to 100-year lifespan that gives your community grid reliability. Read More

We’re better together

  • Become a client

    Partner with us today to change how tomorrow looks. You’re exactly what’s needed to help us make it happen in your community.

  • Design your career

    Work with passionate people who are experts in their field. Our teams love what they do and are driven by how their work makes an impact on the communities they serve.