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Our environmental specialists prepared an extensive analysis of waterways in regards to marine plants and fish passage through the project

Maroochydore, Queensland

Maroochydore City Centre

Sited on 53-hectares of a former golf-course, the Maroochydore City Centre, Queensland, presented a clean-sheet opportunity to develop an engaging and sustainable “smart city” complex featuring waterways, canals, and bridges. With the environment as a priority, our environmental specialists prepared a detailed survey of flora species and extensive analysis of waterways in regard to marine plants and fish passage.

As lead consultant, we provided a range of services across the project management and environmental assessment spectrum. Initially, we delivered project management and civil engineering, traffic impact assessments and an integrated traffic plan, flooding, stormwater, sewer and water assessment, as well as geotechnical investigations. We also prepared an overarching construction environment management plan for stage one of the bulk earthworks, specifically addressing acid sulphate soils, water quality, and sediment along with erosion controls.

Projects like Maroochydore City Centre are especially exciting. It’s not every day where we have the opportunity to shape a whole city centre community. So, we take pride in bringing our expertise to the forefront to make spaces that are sustainable, inviting, and functional for residents, visitors, and those who work in the area. 

Maroochydore, Queensland

Meet Our Team

Michael Bancroft, Operations Leader, Community Infrastructure, QLD, NT and WA

My goal is to ensure community is always at the centre of any project.
Michael Bancroft Operations Leader, Community Infrastructure, QLD, NT and WA Read More

Ashley Jones, Business Leader, Community Development, SEQ

I believe excellence is the result of daily practice and working collaboratively towards achieving a great outcome.

Michael Bancroft

Operations Leader, Community Infrastructure, QLD, NT...

Ashley Jones

Business Leader, Community Development, SEQ

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